Friday, May 11, 2018

Old City : hulam alra∞ghba ad dur

I started making song for the 2nd album, which I should entitled Aemarat- Song because many song are really for Aemarat. 

And this song I made based on what I saw on a TV show about the ancient town Ad Dur in Aemarat. I'm so glad to see the old buildings and the atmosphere that shadowing cope the city at that time. I wish I could go there too.

And when my guru asked me to complete this album, I vision show again with this old city. To be honest I confused how to write a song about Arab while I not know Arab. I asked my guru to allowed me to watch some impressions on You Tube as the easier way, but not permitted. I beseech to read some article, not allowed either. He said, “Just make it”. But how ... how to make it. I feel dispirited but remembered that some time ago I had watched a TV show about story of traveling to historical region of the world. And that episode was about the old city Ad Dur. And with my memory of that, be this song. Hulam alra∞ghba ad dur (my guru always asked me to make Latin-Arab with small letter as it should be, so I always use all small letter, or all capital letter).

But, after it done once again my guru said that my this song resembled a very old Arabic song. (I be wondered, are my guru just want to cheer my heart so I feel happy and excited to make a song again, I not sure. Imagine, I make song almost every day this week, use Arabic !!!)

But in fact I very satisfied. I always satisfied with all my song. (Those are my song, why should not I satisfied?). Only there be I feel satisfied after repeatedly listen to it, there be that instantly done I get satisfied. And this song are the song which instantly make me satisfied. Just like tazara alqisa, azizat habib, alruβman aljawahira, kohi nur and which I have not publish. (O o ... I think it's almost all song in the second album? Why I not wonder?)

Let it be. Anyway this is hulam alra∞ghba ad dur


(9 Mei 2018)

Bila kutatap dalam matamu
serasaku melayang
terbayanglah keindahan
masa masa dikenangkan
Jalanan yang hangat
Tersapu pasir dan debu
Ringan tak hapus oleh jatuhnya hujan
rembulan bersinar
Memancarkan kilasan cahaya seribu bintang

Empat menara berdiri kokoh

Menjulang melingkupi alam awan berganti rupa berganti arah
Mencurah apa yang mesti ditumpahkan

Aku menjelang
Menatap bulan cerah
Dalam buaian angin malam
Aku menjelang
Menatap bulan cerah
Aku kan menjelang

(April 4, 2018)

fi eenayak_ eindama 'anzur_
yabadawa ana ae|yiβm
sulimat takhil_ aljamal_
altaqae|ud fatrat lahazat_
aldaafia alshawaree
walghabar aijtahat alramal  
la tamhaa tafifat min suqut almatar
alqamar yudi'
'iisheaeat wamadat
daw'  'alf daw’najam

arbeyt 'as_deeqa  thabita h^nak
taghayar_ hawl_ shahiq_ sahaba taghayar_ alshakl_ altabieat
as_kab_ ma yajaba 'an yuraq

aintazarat alkamil
alnazar 'iilaa alqamar
fi alr-yah allaaae|l nasim
aintazarat amal
alnazar 'iilaa alqamar
alaintizar alkamil  amal


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