Thursday, May 17, 2018

Exercise With Me : exercise with me : dumble exercise

This morning I was contacted by my friend who used to exercise with me and really meant to exercise today. But I like tired. My invent-compose of Pattenung dance had finished, I just have to ‘be in music’ then it done. But it made me so exhausted so I should rest. I had postponed my friend's training request. I asked her, was not she already exercising elsewhere, yogasana, why did she want to exercise with me again (when we last met she show off her trainer picture demonstrated unnecessary difficult asana, which always annoyed me every time I saw something like this because it only made people think yogasana are difficult and absurd, when in fact it is usually just because the trainer want to show off only that he or she capable of doing so). But my friend ignored my question and keep complained about her increasingly congested and heavy body. I understood right away, that her lately exercise was wrong.

I knew her favorite. She more likely a vigorous exercise not consider her body strong enough or not to do it. If her liken followed by the trainer, her body should be damaged. We could count in month only. But I knew my body. When my body really strong, whoever exercise with me sure run tired out of breath because I sure give full movement which heavy vigorous as well. But there are times when my body feel weak, if I have to train people too, I definitely choose a gentle movement. Only my this liken often made my trainee not satisfied. Indeed difficult to be called a trainer if do like me. 
Especially if the trainee no bother listen. Their body alone not heard, let be the body of their trainer.
But this make me want to share a series of exercise here. Dumble exercise. In this video I with one of my trainee and use a small dumble because I a woman. Enough 1 kg for women. If men should be for maximum 5 kg only. No need more. There no gain in using a heavier dumble. What is important in dumble exercise is breathing and moving right.

Breathing in harmony with movement, with perfect posture, mean the vertebrae is kept straight, shoulders always align the arms that are open either side open or up to front, then we're good. Usually when exercising in the gym people ignored this. Though it only make much precedence could be if we use many kind variety of motion and heavy dumble. Really no benefit but possibility to cause injury if the dumble too heavy plus the wrong way of moving.

The exercises in this video I only do 5 times each side, because who trained with me could only done it that much. But if you strong enough then do at each side no need more than 50 times, either women or men. Maximum. Optimally enough 20 times each side. Choose wisely according to your body's ability.

This exercise series is good for increasing the bone strength of legs and thighs, upper and lower arm muscles, --shoulder, ribs and shoulder blades ligament. Also escalate concentration and if breathing done properly would make the flow of energy in the body smooth. In the end it is good to support any spiritual discipline practice we do. Plus get the tone muscle bonus if the dumble weight used at optimum weigh (1 kg for women, 5 kg max for men).

Basically we inhale while tighten muscles and exhale while relaxing the muscles. So when the movement lift the dumble to the chest, inhale, lower the dumble to the original position exhale. Or when opening the arm inhale, when closing the arm exhale. The point is like that. For the last movement sequence, -- which in fact it's a ‘sithe and mark’, (this is my term, usually people called it karate stance or martial art move) --, we have to manage the breath in the same way, especially in the movement pushing the dumble forward and sides, the breath must be blown out strongly. But during this exercise should not exhale through the mouth. As taut and blustery as any breath is exhaled or as deep as any breath is inhaled must pass through the nose. In the archipelago this sithe and mark are one of the basic spiritual exercises. I still do it only to keep my energy level stay in row.
This exercise should be done at least 3 times a week while stomach empty. I used to do it before dawn. I used to wake up at 2 pm, take a shower, meditate etc etc .. until about 5 o'clock.  And I done this kind of exercise until 6 o'clock then I continued the housekeeping business. Now, my routine not so, because I train people too. But if I want to exercise seriously, I keep doing the exercises in my way and habit.

In this video I still fat. It was July 2017. At that time I’ve been allowed to exercised again after a 7-year stop and became very fat. At that time I also just started exercise 3 month, and my body recovered 50%. Now after almost a year, when people meet me they hesitated to see me suddenly small petit again. (Look like I so fat all this time. I urged to look at some of my picture while I still fat ... ..wuooo ......... hahaha ... I really bonny buxom.)

So let’s exercise with me. Because no matter what our circumstances are, we should always try to keep our body condition to remain 'in shape'.

People often ignored this matter. Usually only artist who pay much attention about this. But it is not true. Leaders muchly important to always be 'in shape' and full of energy too. Because, how his condition be must affect all that who in underneath. It must the leaders who should always be 'in shape'. 

I might share some of the more severe exercise. Let's say this just the basic preparation for the body could more ready to accept the flowing energy in the next exercise.

So ... happy exercise.

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