Saturday, June 09, 2018

Kid Song 5 : balun baladi

And this is are the last two song. 

(9 Juni 2018)

Kutiup balonku kuat-kuat
Balonku ada tujuh
Merah jingga kuning hijau
Putih biru dan ungu

Semua kuikat jadi satu
Balonku pegang erat
Hatiku riang sangat

Dan semua ikut denganku

(2018, yuniyu 9)

q∞w-yana albalun ealaa afiz
h^nak ana albalun_ sbe
'ahmar brtqaly 'akhd_r 'asfar
al'abyad_ hu al'azraq wal'arjuaniu
ribat jama _ waheeda
baladay_ yahmil day_q
min qalbi muβbtahiβj jiβddaan
k^l shaksh- wakuluha tati maei

(9 Juni 2018)

Aku seorang prajurit
Prajurit sejati
Aku punya pedang panjang
Perwira dan sakti
Langkahku tegap menantang
Tat tat tat tat tat
Aku seorang prajurit
Prajurit sejati

 (2018, yuniyu 9)

'ana ashshaheed almaharib
alsahih aljaysh
ana tawiβl ld_y_ say_f_
alfaris alsahra
altariq khuβtwa saaeeba

Tat tat tat tat tat tat
'ana ashshaheed almaharib
alsahih aljaysh

Kid Song 4

And this is are the next two song.

(9 Juni 2018)

Aku punya teman namanya Rani
Gadis yang lucu menarik hati

Rambutnya panjang ikal dan rapi
Selalu tersenyum manis sekali
Rani rani mari bermain di sini
Rani rani temanku yang baik hati

(2018, yuniyu 9)

aismuβh fata daeewa rani

yuβmsiβk almadhakat alfatat alqa∞lb-
‘uniq_ shae|ruβha tawiβl_ majead
huβlwat dayimaan jiβddaan_ aibtisamat
rani rani huna dae|una naleab_ huna
rani rani aleaziz rani alfatat

(9 Juni 2018)

Satu dua tiga cepat lari bersembunyi

Empat lima enam bersembunyi hati-hati
Tujuh delapan Sembilan jangan jauh bersembunyi
Sepuluh buka mata kau kudapat jangan lari

 (2018, yuniyu 9)

wahd_ athnyβn th_lath_t rakad bsret (al) 'iilaa alaikhtiba'
arbet khm_st_ s_t_t 'ae|naeaa iikhfa' bahadhar
sbet thmany_t_ tset y_n_b_g_h_y_ alaikhtiba'
eshr_t_ aftah eaynay_k_ la tashghil 'am astatieβ

Kid Song 3 : altayiβrat alwaraqia

And next two song. Here they are.

(9 Juni 2018)

Jauh terbang tinggi
Layang-layangku menari

Tali ekornya melambai
Ditiup angin
Melenggok ke kanan
Melenggok ke kiri
Tali kusentak
Layanganku terbang tinggi

Tinggi tinggi
Layang-layangku terbang tinggi
Tinggi tinggi
Hingga ke langit tinggi

(2018, yuniyu 9)

tatir ealiat tahalaq_
yarquβs baladay alttayiβrat alwaraqia
fi mahb alriy_h aldhayl

hiβzam muβjat-
'iilaa alyamiβn ain_haraf
yanuβhariβf alyasar_
alttayiβrat alwaraqiat qarid
rakbati ha∞bl- balad qu∞lb(l)-

airtiβfae ealaeaa
alttayiβrat alwaraqiat tatiβr

airtiβfae ealaeaa
yasil 'iilaa airtifae alsama'

(9 Juni 2018)

Ayo kawan ayo bermain di sini
Bermain lompat tali bersama kami
Ayun yang kuat yang kuat yang tinggi
Mari melompat melompat dan lari

(2018, yuniyu 9)

huna rifaq linadhahab_

alqaf_z_ ealaa maeana fi alhabl-
qawiat qawiat qawia asead

walqafz(f)_ alqafz(f)­_ almada waldhahab

Kid song 2

Here is another two, entitled ‘al hilal’ and ‘malabi’

(9 Juni 2018)

Lihatlah lihat kawan di langit malam
Rembulan benderang bertabur bintang
Laksana perhiasan permadani malam
Ingin kuterbang bersama rembulan
Rembulan rembulan
Bawa ku terbang
Rembulan rembulan
Cahaya malam
Rembulan rembulan
Tinggi di langit
Rembulan rembulan
Cahayamu benderang

(2018, yuniyu 9)

al'asdiqa' fi (al)sama'anzur 'iilaa  allayl_
alhilal (al)mursae| bial-nuβjuβm
alnasiβj allayliiβ bitashghil qum
turid 'an tatir mae alhilal

alhilal alhilal
tahalaq_ khadhaniβ
alhilal alhilal
 allayl  aldaw_'
alhilal alhilal
fi alsama' ealaeaa
alhilal alhilal
wajhak daw_ satieβ

(9 Juni 2018)

Marilah kemari berkumpul disini
Inilah taman bermain kami
Tempat kami berlari kesana kemari
Bercanda tertawa bersenang hati

(2018, yuniyu 9)

'iilaa huna maeaan_ taϫal walquβduuβm
hadha hu maleebea|
huna wahunak
hay_th rakadna
yamzah qabra yadhak_ astamtea|

Kid Song 1

Today I made two children song. I very happy. Making song for children always fun for me. One entitled ‘masra’ and the other one entitled ‘alnaja’.

I just imagine the children playing with their friends and enjoy the beautiful sky at night.

So here it is.

( 8 Juni 2018 )

Mari kita bermain di sini di sini
Mari kita berkumpul bersenang hati
Mari kita bertepuk bertepuk berganti
Berputar dan meliuk gembira hati

(2018 yuniyu 8 )

naleab_ kay_f_ man huna man huna
nalt_qiβ kay_f_ asytam­_ta

n_sf-q_ nalt_qiβ altasfiβq fi daeuna
dayiri ramsh_ tadur saaeed waltaathiβr

(8 Juni 2018)

Lihatlah langit bertabur bintang
Di dalam gelap bercahaya terang
Lihat di ujung di ujung selatan
Satu bintangku bercahaya terang
Bawa kami semua kelangit tinggi
Bawa kami bersama yang kami cintai
Lihatlah langit bertabur bintang
Ada satu bintangku bercahaya terang

(2018, yuniyu 8)

alsama' layla anzur 'iilaa 

alzalam almuβrasaeat bialnuβjuβm
aldaw­_'  mushriq_ altaraf aljanuβba
alnihayatπ fi alzalam altaraf_ anzur 'iilaa
eela khudhna jamieaan aldaw_
eela khudhna mae 'ahbayina
anzur 'iilaa alsama'
alsama' layla anzur 'iilaa 

hunak alnaja biraqa 'atawahaj wahidat

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Let's Do Business : let’s do business

Today I was asked how to built a company that became the main distributor in a vast region. Trading company of course. So instead of answered for long, I choose to wrote it not too long. I feel more relaxed. So let's get started.

Before we talk further about the system we first need to decided what is the main income for the company and set the strategy in marketing also how to manage the revenue.

After that, we determined where the business will be built by weighing the most strategic position to reach the entire distribution area, taking into account the convenience of transportation and operational expense for distribution. At this time we also must decide whether to make the company big enough to become a brand image for the region or not, so we could make selection where the right company position.

Second we need a management system that includes the system of purchase, sales and marketing, inventory, accounting system, IT system and worker and employee system.

Third we need supplier which could we expected to be trusted and reliable and would like to accommodate our market needs.

That's all it takes to build a distribution company.

The details are rather long. Because when we talk of location and building, we would talk about legal and the cost of establishing the company. Also the ease of corporate location to reach both by customers or buyers and employees.

When we go into the management system we have to discuss one by one which involved in it.
Purchase system: whether to cut off buying or consignment. Who carried the cost of transportation up to the warehouse and who would bear the cost of insurance.

System sales: whether selling cash or on account. Direct or indirect sales. And define the standard rules about customers and buyers.

Inventory system: decided whether to use FIFO, LIFO, or average system. Generally FIFO (first in first out) is more widely applied because it makes more sense.

Accounting system: included recording all transaction that occured within each system. Including corporate income management.

IT System: needed to facilitated the control of transaction recording and speed of service to customers or buyers.

Worker and employee system: organized all policy about employees working in the company, for example about working hour, over time, salary level, furlough, and so on.

It seemed that this is just the first step required in setting up a trading company. The rest should be described in more detail in each section. The most needed are people who are reliable and trustworthy, able to work, honest and dedicated. Especially at the middle management level.
I hope my answers clear enough. And this is indeed a kind of trivial fun in my daily life.


Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Adaptation Positively : adaptation positively

The changing world is definite in human life. Therefore we should accept it as something natural and earthy to happen in life. Simply we born to be a child, teen, adolescent, old and die. That's one example which could most easily seen and understood about what called changes. We should not be young forever, nor could lived forever. There always birth then die, people then called it as the life cycle. And that is a truth that must be accepted in human life.

Changes not only relate to human as individual but also in relation to other human and their environment. Because the environment changed too. Therefore human should also want to change to follow environmental changes by adapting positively as a reaction to all changes that happened in the environment.

The environment is everything outside of human life, so it can be another creature or something called nature. Disparation with other being who could follow changing over time throughout life in the world and also very positively adaptive to the changing nature--, human are  the least adaptive positively because human have eager anxiety that are not always in harmony with changes in the environment.

Often human impose their true eager anxiety even in opposition to the changing nature. As a result nature must damaged and human pay it with life that get harder and harder over time.
Even in relation to other human being, human are the least positively adaptive because very many ardour and pretension that if uncontrollable must become coercion. At this moment although there be changes, the changes are only gave badly and harm lives.

It seem modern human already understood that they must change to could be follow the change of times. But what the human not understood is that in the course of making that change they not adapting positively to his outer.

What is then an adaptation positively? It is easy for a person to make an adaptation positively if he changed following the changes around him by always striving that the outcome of what he does in 'changing' could be beneficial and bring kindness.

Example; people forgotten left the traditional dance because they not want be said not modern. People who adaptive positively would try to find new reason to maintain the existence of traditional dance that may result in a slight shift in motion or costume. But this effort could save the essence of tradition so that life would still be enjoyed just as it is when it still really appreciated traditional dance.

Another example; people leave the royal system to govern and move on to the democratic system. Positively-adapted leaders would seek to discover the essence of democracy and apply it in their royal system of government. So that his kingdom remain lasting, while he still could developed himself and be rewarded equivalent to those who assume that  democratic system indeed the most appropriate for the world today to govern. One who not positively adaptive would forced to stay still in the royal system only and ignored the new changes in human mind and must be going to destruction in few certain times.

So, what is needed in dealing with this changing world is the ability to know ourselves and the ability to noticed and deep view on things. All this could only be gained by developing ourselves by doing discipline and increasing knowledge.

So, let's change in line with the change of nature by always adapting positively to the changes so that we could always be new without losing the inherited identity since antiquity.

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

It Suit You

Today I look around some of the apparel commonly used by kings in the past. I was surprised because I found so many similarities in their outfit whatever the model and its shape, it seem like there basic rules that remain the same. If the form and model is more than what is available in particular region and what can be used and how art developed in that region. But the basic rules are must followed.

The apparel of a king must have a head covering. With different shapes, models and ways as well as materials. But a king must wear a head covering. The more a king's territory  and holy power, the head covering more dense.

A king also always wear apparel that cover his body. In some region where they dress very little, as in the tribes around the world, still their king would wear apparel that cover most of his body, whether in the form of robe and cover of feet. But in fact this only indicated that the king is covering his strength so as not to be easily seen by his power.

A king also always carried a symbol that signifies that he is a king. This symbol can be in the form of a particular apparel, can be something that is attached to his apparel or a weapon that he always carried. But whatever it is definitely recognizable as a king symbol. It mean only the king would wearing it.

But in this nowadays, I see a lot of kings still left confused groping what the right and proper apparel for them in the midst of a world that no longer understand all these things. The sadness is eventually they slowly lose their charisma as a king, simply because they no longer dressed properly.

I found some appropriate picture as an example of how a king wearing an apparel  like western suit – a suit which has been known as official dress among nobles and world leaders -- without the risk of losing his charisma as a king, since this is also a suit, just long suit. Suitable for its kingly circumstances.

I like a simple model and not glamorous so that I have here draw a simple and not glamorous model. But there are distinctive peculiar occasion where a king should look glamorous so that his condition is properly visible so no one could behave not correctly to him.

I guess that's enough today about how the right apparel for a king in the public presence in today's world. But I found an example of a model of apparel that the king could comfortably worn in his casual and private times. Suffice and adequate for a king in his 'he-time'. Cool ....

Okay then. See you in another special note from me.

Monday, June 04, 2018

Dare To Dream : dare to dream

Today I talked to myself in the shadows and thought about what I dreamed of a man I called my husband. I sometimes feel like I'm going to run away when I think of something like this. Any idea? Because this is something I hardly ever think about, because I not have time to think about it either because I not want to think about it. Not have time because I almost always busy working and not want to think about it because I .... I afraid. I afraid being disappointed. Disappointed if what I get later is not what I dreamed of. Instead of being disappointed I'd better not dream of anything, so no possibility of disappointment might happen.

I was actually shocked after realizing why I not want to dream about this. I just realized, can only seen it this morning. Usually I just say I not dare to dream. But not dare truly different from afraid. Not dare just think that it is out of my league. It's an imposible thing to happen in my life. But afraid --meaning I not prepared for the disappointment associated with it. Ooh ... it turns out I afraid of being disappointed.

I did get a lot of disappointment in my life. In my few birth in all my life, that's all I passed through. It seemed had made me a hopeless person in life. One thing that still remained just a spirit to living . Spirit that made me still able to keep hopes in my heart, still be whenever disappointment born. I once thought I was a hopeless person. I was wrong. The truth is I are one who always had spirit. Only spirit that I have that make me able to survive the disappointment of life in all my life. But apparently not enough to make me dare to have dreams in this life.

Wow ... I'm surprised. I not think that this simple question triggered such a deep understanding to me. I can not even realize it all this time. I think I'm fine. I accept my life with all its up and down on the way. I not think I was a person who could not dream anymore. But I've realized it now. So okay then. I want to dream now. I want to dream this morning.

I dream of a good husband. In a sense to his wife he always gentle and caring. Always affectionate and loving. Always want to understand and listen. Always patient and full of appreciation. I dream of a man who responsible, have integrity, pride, brave, and have a clear deportment and manner. I dreamed of a mature, wise husband who understand and comprehend life and living. I dream of a husband who love me and accept me for whole.

I think that's what I dreamed of. I'm just wondering if that's what I dream of a husband what might he dream of what he called a wife?

Perhap he would dream of a woman who always gentle and caring also to him. Always affectionate and loving. Always want to understand and listen. Always patient and full of appreciation. A woman who knew what she want but not demanded him more than what he could give. A woman who always be honoured and could make herself the best. And a woman who always fondle, amused and cheered up his heart. I think that’s all. I hope it's true.

I wish I could be such a wife for this kind of husband. Well ... . I ask God for it could happened to me. May His Will be like this.

Ah ... I dare to dream about this now. I'm grateful  I still capable of dreaming.

Saturday, June 02, 2018

Truth Teller : truth teller

Several time in my last few writings I have called myself preacher as a translation from ‘dharmaduta’. I do fully accepted the term dharmaduta, but once translated like that, as a preacher, I feel uncomfortable. I not want to think about it, but every time I remember this term on my writing which I defined myself as this, I sure feel uncomfortable again. It not feel right to me. So I guess I have to decided right now, how I should called myself right, so I would feel comfortable considering I'm no longer a guru now.

The guru is the person who accorded and taught the truth. But a guru always have to live life strict to the rules. He must follow certain rules in associating with other people also in teaching. I've been a guru for a while, but I not think I could do any longer and I free-hearted not want to live the rest of my life as a guru. That's not what I want when I started my journey looking for God. I feel grace and grateful for my request that my life could become as an ordinary person once again be granted. That's all I want in life; can live my life happily because I knew the truth and live in truth.

I define myself and what I like to do only as 'a solicit engage people to see life right and always doing right in life'. In all my life I always try to do that.  Either in everyday conversation with anyone, in my writing, especially in an event that did invited me as the source speaker. And I not want to use the term dharmaduta to all people so I not blocked by religious barrier. Therefore, after thinking and dissert consider sincerely, I choose to called myself a 'truth teller' -. Wherever I go, wherever I be, I just tell the truth.

But I'm not just a speaker, I also a writer and an artist. Then be my speech, my writing, and all my artworks either song, dance or painting and drawing, even the body work system I made, - would only in and on truth. I just tell the truth, so it would become my first way to be true on myself.

But maybe if I speak in front of my own community --Hindu-- I still would called myself as a dharmaduta. It's just that what I do and work not just for my own community. I do work for everyone, for the world. I just felt I had to introduced and called myself right for everyone. My desire and firm manner to 'solicit engage people to see life right and always doing right in life' I started from me introducing myself correctly, that I a truth teller.

That's it. I very glad now that this thing have been done right. Here I am, Rani a truth teller.

Friday, June 01, 2018

I Wish I Hope : I wish I hope

Now I would continue what I have to write as a continuation of my previous writing, which is about what I want and hope in my life.

I guess I only want simple things in life. I always just wanted simple things such;

I want to have long hair - until I'm 17 year old my hair always very short like man, now my hair long, I very happy. So, come true.
I want my body strong and I would look beautiful for longer time -- ehem ...ehem ... I think it almost come true
I want to be a painter -- come true
I want to be a writer -- come true
I want to be a columnist -- not yet come true
I want to able could dance any dance -- come true
I want to able to sing -- yet come true
I want me able to nurse medicate people - - already come true in a way I never imagined before
I want able to be a wushu - one of school course of chinese martial art - practioner  -- would never come true for my guru not allowed, I true hearted accepted
I want graduated my degree even if it just college degree -- finally come true by hard effort
I want to be an executive officer – once come true, I quite satisfied
I want to be a business woman - I've tried to make it 5 times, all ended in failure, even my preparation as better as I could, so I decided this was not a path I could take in life
I want to able to give benefit to my community – yet come true
I want to be an inspiration to others -- already come true
I want to see Tuscany Italy -- not yet come true
I want to have a small house with a large yard, -- not yet come true
I want to have a gardener, not quite spacious but could meet my daily needs -- the garden be, but never have time to plant
I want me to have a close relationship with people close to me -- I grateful, coming true
I want me to have what I called 'family' -- I hope it would come true
I want to live a good life –- yet come true
I want to able to live my life freely to be myself – come true
I want I could live my life in peace – yet come true

I guess that's about what I want. I actually really shocked, that even though I had a wish that had not yet come true, but something else be without ever I wanted it before. Just to dream about it, never. Not dare to dream. Such as;

- being a dance teacher and body contour,
- able to make song and dance
- eventually able to be a versatile writer (I wrote story book children, short novel, poem, poetry, papers writing, life story, and verses)
- have mental ability
- become a preacher
- being a holy woman (I could only be grateful, I started life with not the slightest idea of ​​the so-called 'holy woman')
- always be in high state

But there is one thing that I never dared to dream even though I wanted it too just the same as most other people, but it seem not modest proper if I wrote down here. I just remembered that I never dared to dream of it.

So now I try to write down what I expect in my life. I guess what I hope in my life not many and not much various. I just want to be happy, live happily along with the people I love and loved me. I plaguy not want to be in suffered again. I think that's all my hope for my life.

So my promise to write down everything I want and hope in my life are done. For me it is also useful to see myself clearly and grateful the gift I have gained in this life.

People say no pain, no gain. I think in short, that's what I've been through all this time. Much pain, much more gain. So I closed this with gratitude only. And I hope my dearest friend is quite satisfied with my answer.

wadae|aan habib

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Do You Like

My dearest friend asked me to say everything I like, everything I want and I wish in my life. Hhmm ...... actually I confused how to write answer it. But let me try. I would start from what I like first. I do like lot of things.

I like all colour except black, because to me black make me feel choky, fetid, dark, and imprisoned.

I like all kind of food except which ‘too’ --too spicy, too milk oily, too sweet, too salty, too sour, too bitter, too much, too little. Or if it a kind of food which not always I could eat because enact my gastric such as jackfruit or coconut milk in general, or if there too much food chemical in it that usually been used to beautify the appearance of food.

I like cat, dog, bird, but I'm not diligent to take care of them.

I like hanging out with creative people like an artist. Also with people who always do good at everything, they who optimist, they who could respect themselves, and they who patriot and knight. I easy to get along with simple people.

I like the humble, insightful, the gentle and brave men, and to they who knew what they want who always try to make it happen.

I love to see the beautiful, clean, neat everything something. I respect people who are thorough and always try to look clean and neat.

I like go picnic. Everywhere would beautiful and fun. Or just spend time with people I love.

I like it if there's a chance to see new places, learn things that make me interested, and try new things.
I love writing, verses, painting, dancing, making song, and everything about art in general.

I like watching art performance like comedy theater, traditional ethnic musical show, and orchestra.

I like music that is not monotonous, so any kind of music genre I like as long as the rhythm not monotonous, especially I like the sound of percussion. I like the sound of all kind of drums from the smallest like marawis to the greatest like tambour drum.

I like mellow song like most of ballads, or song which full spirited as mars or hymns, which are cozy like bossanova rhythm, which cheerful such as folk songs from every region in the world, and arya song with all its height.

I like to enjoy the 'me time' where I can relax not to maintain body posture, could speak anything and how without worrying about being wrong or incorrect, and could think of anything I want.
I like to do body contour. So yogasana, pilates and sithe and mark became my favorite exercise that I do according to my body condition.

I like to do hairdo according to the events I have to attend. So as a dance teacher for example I braided my hair, as a preach I tied my hair partly on top of head, when must attend official event I may do simple bun for my hair, but on many occasion my hair just I let free unravel without making me just busy try not be throng with my hair.

I like to wear clothes that are simple and make me comfortable and easy to move. So the lehenga-choli is my favorite. But I also like wearing traditional Indonesian clothes such as baju kurung, kebaya, maniratu and papasaya model. It all depend on the event I must attended, the clothes would adjust.

I like to wear high heel shoes which sexy model. Suit for my leg, I think.

I like a strong elegant bag or clutch.

I like jewelry which full covering if a necklace, long model with round eyes for earring, big bracelet, comfortable anklet, foot ring, and any hair jewelry that match my hairdo. I wear a brooch every now and then, but this one also tailored to my needs.

I like to present myself according to the events I attended. So I would be look different when I appear before the authorities, the officials or the rich neighborhood  --I not mind to look bling-bling, by the time I have to be in front of small people, the workers, middle-class society I would choose the simple classy and elegant appearance, and I would be different again if I’ve been asked to be in front of children and teenagers -- I just have to look more attractive with simple and plain jewelry -.

I like to live life simply. It mean not busy with all rules (not that I not know the rules or not want to follow the rules), but more like to be able to well-heeled a warm and strong relationship with people close to me.

I like to live a harmonious life. So I like to see simplicity in life in general. For example a fertile soil area, should be a way for the inhabitants to live from agrarian for certain, do not be a manufacturer of weapons. Or an area which has many beautiful place that could become a tourist attraction, let it try to earn revenue from the tourism industry, do not open factory everywhere.

I like to see a nation that is firm in its principles of life. In a sense if a nation had a hard condition which make people who live there had a hard life, let it be. If a nation condition is full closed sealed let them in its closured. Let every nation be themself.

Okay then. I think that’s enough for now. I think I have written down enough about 'what I like'. It seem about what I want and I wish, I should continue in another writing.

Lahiq _na araa