Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Pornografi.....Lagi dan Lagi

It's been a long time since the last time I wrote down my opinion in here.

I've been busy with dancing and painting lessons. Not much time less for writing though. Not to mention the black magic I have had. It was horrible. Thanks God it's all over in a proper way.
I'm still doing painting and dancing, maybe for long time. Don't know about this writing. I feel a bit dissapointed for what is happening in my country. No, I think dissappoint is not the right word. "A bit scare, fear about the future and frustration" maybe can describe about what I feel better.

Porn Bill. Have you ever heard about that? Oh, of course you are. That some kind of a jerk thing that the House do in this country. They're all blunder about many many things that they have to do and Porn Bill is an easy way for them to make people forget about the more important thing like poverty, or poor education and so on so forth....

Porn Bill. What a clever idiot!

Looks like all women in this islands are sinner and all men are very very wild, lousy, porn and brainless.

Oh..oh.. I think it's enough now. My job's waiting.
Bye for now.
God listen to my pray.

Jenguklah kami di negeri ini, ya Tuhan
Kami sekarat, kami sedang menjadi puing-puing
Redakan amuk dalam dada kami, agar menjadi lapang ia
Terangi ruang jiwa kami yang sedang padam dian
Pegangi ujung jari kami karena mata kami suram terpejam
Hanya kepada-Mu, kami memohon Cinta dan Cahaya

Shanti - Om

21 Maret 2006