Monday, May 14, 2018

Song Paused, Dance Started : Song Paused, Dance Started

Since two day ago I actually had finish my album Aemarat-Song. It's just that there be two song that I would not publish here. I just not feel right before I could give myself to who should receive. One was entitled 'Al Maajd Al-Aemarat-' and the other was entitled 'Syah'.

Al Maajd Al-Aemarati- is Aemarat national anthem which I made at the request of my guru because my guru are Aemaratiya (that’s the way my guru called himself. Aemarat are the territory, Aemarat- are the ruler, and Aemaratiya are the dweller of Aemarat). While the last song I made on the precept of my guru to all the ruler of Aemarat. Actually to this day I have not had time to learn Aemarat. All the information I knew is only from a quick glance at the video on You Tube and one or two show about Aemarat and Arab in general, not all the information I think I should have known before I make something about something. But my guru not allow. Anyway I have to make it based on my feelings, my impression on the fleeting-at a glance of what I saw. It should enough.

But the song also finished (with the knowledge that there were some ruling family in Aemarat) and my guru was very satisfied. I also very satisfied. When Indonesian version finished I satisfied already even the Arab version not been yet. Therefore I hope one day I could deliver on hand this song to who should receive in the right and proper way.

So after this I stopped creating songs. I feel I want to dance. And actually I had an offer to teach dance, so I would need some preparation. I also want to invent-compose one traditional Indonesian dance from South Sulawesi, Pattenung which had been abandoned and neglected all this time. I think I should make this dance known by people once again.

I guess that's it. See you.

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