: exercise; next stage : exercise – next stage
This time I would
share next kanuragan sithe and mark to make energy that been stored could be
spread evenly throughout the body, so that we would always be balanced. Because
people who do kanuragan definitely at one point must feel great and proud of
his ability. This could be prevented by continuing to do some stance that closed
the energy so as not be trigger an unbalanced mental state.
When we meet
someone who had ability but do arrogant it mean he not understand how to do
some stance so he not become like that. But if we find someone who had very
high ability (read: powerful master) but hardly 'be seen' by others how his
ability high, it mean he really knew how to make his enormous energy not seen
through the bias of energy coming out of the body which must be easily
perceived by anyone who also have the ability-- as well as through his mental condition.
He must have remained humble and really look like others in common.
So this exercise
indeed a sithe and mark, and should be do left-right in count one. So it should
not do it left 20 times, then right 20 times. But it must be left-right 20
times. And it should be done with the left foot first because of its great
influence to balance the working of the brain. Breath should follow the
movement. When to inhale, when to exhale. And when tired, take rest by keeping
the vertebrae straight and breathing through the nose. It is not forbidden to
blow hard one or two breath by mouth, it does accelerate the exhaustion of
lactic acid that make us tired. But it should not be continuously done. Simply
take a rest, take a breath as much as you can get in through the nose.
This exercise can
be done as much energy as everyone had. Because this exercise are only done
after the exercise to accumulate energy done for period of time. So the energy
that has been stored could be stream evenly while taking new energy that
directly followed where the energy are stored. Men can store their energy
almost all through the body. While women are only in the powerhouse -
rectangular area that is restricted by diaphragm above and lumbar underneath. If
a man not do exercise that could make his accumulated energy stream evenly, his
energy would only accumulated in the powerhouse too, and in the end must only
make him unbalanced. The first imbalance he might show is that he become arrogant.
But this exercise
is for men. Women must make other sequence sithe and mark if intend to densed
her energy. If a woman do this stance, she actually destroyed her internal
organs slowly. So women really should not do it. Me? I just have to show you.
Exercise to accumulated
energy I previously showed at the end of dumble training, but that exercise
more beneficial for men too. Women may also do, but the quantity should not
exceed 10 repetition. While men may do more, but it should no more than his fatigue.
This mean that if he feel exhausted even though just do it 10 times, he must
stop. From here we actually could see the level of one's initial energy.
This exercise
could be done anytime, at any your time. This mean that the exercise to
accumulate energy is only done in the early stage of discipline. But this
second exercise could be done forever. Because this exercise are to manage
energy we had. We should manage something on and on, right? So if someone
started doing this exercise, leave the
exercise to accumulate energy.
After this exercise
there are 2 more exercise whose purpose are to empower the energy. This mean
that energy not only managed to provide maximum benefits for the body to
provide protection, but also can be used as a weapon for protection or to attack.
Managing energy
for protection are like building roof, wall, or strong columns. So who be
inside the house must protected. But empowering energy are such as setting up a
fort or preparing weapons that can be issued at any time. So when this sequence
of exercise are done then the perfect protection someone must have. And this
great empowered energy could be useful for any mental communication also.
So this is the next
stage of exercise. Happy exercise !
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