Yesterday I
published about sketch I've ever made, and one of them is a sentence that I
mean to printed on a T-shirt. But then I remembered that the sentences was my
own sentences, which I made the title of my writing in September 2006.
I then looked up
my writing, read it again and thought that although this case had been a long
time, still it could be studied and applied to everything else in life.
Right now in 2018
what I made as study case in this writing not happened anymore, and I grateful.
I was really unhappy at that time, so it was a relief now. Only the lesson
could still be taken. So this is why you have free will and you are free to
will !
Recently there
been a rush of ‘re-preacher election’ (kind of little mullah election) on one of the private TV - I've seen some show
like this outside TV too, but especially what I'm referring to here are on TV -
which featured these little mullah saying
' a preach'. Sometime I seen a glimpse, while looking for another interesting
TV show to watch. I watched for a moment each time like that. It's just that it
always feeled really weird that I lectured by a little kid.
What I feel are a
feeling which hard to explain because, well .... may be are true what they say.
They know that. They learned the material of their preach. They memorized. But
I doubt if they understand? Are they doing what they say? Wk wk wk ......
surely naive to ask this last thing. Okay. But do the little boy and girl who
in this election understand all the knowledge they learned so they could give a
preach as a little mullah to others?
What is meant by mullah (in Indonesia
mullah be called da’i ) ?
According to Big
Indonesian Dictionary, da’i (read : mullah) mean are a person whose job is
always give dakwah, and suggestions
in the form of advice, sermon tip and instructions in terms of Islamic
teaching. In this case could a small child give such a discourse? Perhap it
could be from the knowledge taught to them. Are they understand and comprehend
their preach? No, because they only know, by memorized only. They never
experience what they say before. Their preach are only skin deep and far from
I feel stupid
listening to them.
And feel sorry
It took me a
while to really be ready to think clearly. I understand that truth might come
from all direction. That truth might be revealed by every creature and nature. Therefore
the truth might also be obtained from a small child. Even I have also learned
that it is better for us who have grown up, able to fully understand life and
to be truly alive today, free from all fear, by keep the innocence of child
within us.
The thing is, I not see them --these little mullah --in their innocence again when they performed like that. Out of their mouth, their expressions, their style and appearance are the result of polished, made up and reflections from the adults around them. I not get one enlightening thing from these little mullah event. Just confront when you see children who playing in kindergarten or in the playground, or just say they just on their way, they’re not in action. They are innocent in their blather and gesture. By just watching their conduct mannerism only, our heart would happy, in peace and cheered. And if we look deeper, we would find the truth there.
The thing is, I not see them --these little mullah --in their innocence again when they performed like that. Out of their mouth, their expressions, their style and appearance are the result of polished, made up and reflections from the adults around them. I not get one enlightening thing from these little mullah event. Just confront when you see children who playing in kindergarten or in the playground, or just say they just on their way, they’re not in action. They are innocent in their blather and gesture. By just watching their conduct mannerism only, our heart would happy, in peace and cheered. And if we look deeper, we would find the truth there.
Perhap the last
part what made me verily real feel sorry for them. Just imagine, the children
are subtly abrogated in the name of sanctity religious out of their innocence,
(--so it seem this kind of activity are a good and noble thing --). They subconsciously
forced to acted unnatural. They carbideed to be knowledgeable and looked
convincing. Carbided so quickly mature.
If we judge a
person's 'height' from his knowledge alone, it may true that these little
mullah are lucky human. Because at a very young age they already have the
opportunity to have an extensive religious knowledge. But if we understood that
the 'height' of a person not judged on the basis of knowledge but rather on the
understanding and comprehending of life, then: what a pity of them.
Pity because
since childhood they had been duress forced with so much information so maybe
they in the next few year have no space anymore to accept other things, to
accept new things or even can no longer see other opportunities that could
provide different experiences and enriched their life. Their vessel are full. In the end they would
be transformed into arrogant, hard, fanatic and petty men. It would be a shame !
I disagree with
those who support this election of little mullah,
whatever they say or think of me. Of course we always want to do good thing,
but in my opinion it is not so if we want to form a new generation of good. Knowledge
indeed necessary. In all field. But it should accompanied by an understanding
to transferred. Because knowledge alone without understanding is a waste. But
indeed each of us have our own vision, idea, notion and hope about the future
of our children based on what we understand. And our understanding is what we
must write to our children. So every child is actually a reflection of the
adults around them. That's how it work walk in this case.
How do we see our
little one, that's what we really are. They're all are only reflection of
So, what could I
say? You have freewill and you're free to will. Do as you will !
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