I live my normal
life for some time now. Normal in a sense, I could free now. Meet some friend,
sight seeing to the mall, plan a picnic, shopping and so on. But every time I
met my old friends they always asked what I've been doing all this time, why we
never met here and then. And I could
only answered, "I've been learning all this long". But, usually their
expression every time they heard my answered only; frowning, staring blankly,
open-mouthed, nodding obscurely mean or scratching a non-itchy head. Some
people would asked more detail, but that only made me feeled desperate how to
explain. Really difficult elucidated of 'learning' to common people. Usually I
just try to explained as much as I could, and they then pretended to
understand. Desperate we were.
All this thing
make me rethink about this. Indonesia is not India, that's for sure. So what is
‘learning’ not too easy to explain. This tradition known in Indonesia since
ancient time, but not as strict as in India. But I through my period of
learning by tradition of learning in
India. Therefore it might be good if I try to poured it down. Usually my
confusion diminished by this way for I could see more clearly and calm.
Generally the
questions I faced is why should I learned?
The first question is a big apropos one, because honestly if I would answered
clearly not enough 10 pages if it is written down. But if I make it short it
might be like this; -- so could I answered my questions in life like who I really
am, why I born into the world, where I go after death, is there anything else
beyond this life etc --. These are question that could not be answered by just asking.
But one must do discipline to develop oneself so that one could 'heard' the
answer. Who answered? He - God Himself.
The follow
question usually like this, what kind of
discipline? Like japamala (repeating the name of God, yogasana (to make
body strong), and establishing self-discipline in daily life or do collective
offerings, include be active in all religious activities and diligent
The third
question that always confused me are, why
should dress like an Indian? What a.. ... .. how should I try to explain
gosh. Not enough just two or three sentence. Usually I just answered that this
is saree. Saree mean a long cloth. Used
by everyone who in journey to meet God. It's kind of a blessed outfit. To be
easy to meet God. Enough stop here.
The next
question, (I seemed too often had to
answered these question no ... I amaze that I memorized the sequence) what is red mark on your forehead? At times the one who asked this question often
watched Indian movies, they loved to guess what its name. Most said it is
tilak. I just smiled and answered that I wore bindu not tilak. Some time I found it necessary to point out that
my bindu line is different from tilak. After comparing it they usually nodded.
But there are those who in the second thought said "Eh ... .. looked like Nandini ..." and it made me frowned heard it.
What is Nandini. As far as I knew,it is
the name of a cow belonged to a Rsi in a purana about Mahadeva. But I become
curious too. And after back asked them oooh ... .that's the title of one of the
Indian series that routinely aired on one of the private TV. I need to take
myself to watched 1-2 series just to ended my curiousity. It turned out the personage
figure in the film used bindu the same as mine. Big posh ... ..
Actually I have long not been allowed to watched this kind of story on
books or movies and if allowed must under the guidance of my guru so that the
story not mistaken. Indeed there are many stories in purana--ittihasa--brahmanasutra
that had faulty incorrect from the true story.
Even though I got
many comment about this, still I explained them so they not think wrong about
bindu, that bindu could only be used by people who always diligent and obedient
do the ritual and offerings. So if a person only seen occasionally wear bindu,
it mean it is just for fashion style only. The real bindu must be worn all the
time. Like a cloth, if you not wear it feeled like you should not go anywhere.
Here are the
question that people usually asked me. But some while there question like, is Hindu
have God? Heeh..this is a funny but chafe question. But as a teenager who generally
asked this, I should answered correctly and calmly. But funny is not it ... we called
it a religion but not have God. Chafe for matter they not understand the
concept of God in Hindu but think that Hindu have no god. Right knackered !
Though I was nagged
every time I heard this kind of question, I keep smiled and answered sweetly,
"Of course be". Eeh.. hunt pursued, "There also a prayer?".
Bang ...... !! be dead. While keeping
smiled I answered as calmly as possible, "Sure be ... ....". Then I
mentioned the main prayer in Hinduism. Only then who asked be stunned in
disbelief. I also hurried away instead of getting mad.
So why I had to learned,
are to answered all those above questions. Did I got the answer? Already. So
what now? move on again. Only now I have no worries anymore. About life. About
death. Because once I did afraid to be dead ... .. I attentiyed when my mother
died in late 1999, and 100 day later my abah passed away too. I got sad and
worried about their afterlife. Some time I dreamt of brought and carried my
mother. My abah looked handsome and young, but my mother looked in pain though
looked young too. They been together. Abah always hold my mother’s hand. This
dream always made me confused in the morning and I would prayed endlessly, but
anxious not leave. This become one of my reason why I search for God all the way.
In the time I
learned indeed I passed in Hindu Indian tradition, so had been in my guru's ashram
for some time until I told had ended my learning. Just because I only in
relation with my guru by telepathy, my guru's ashram are my own house. But
still I could not go anywhere without his permission. Whatever I tried to get
out of my house and did whatever I like ended with punishment, I become sick or
in pain. Pain that could only end if I apology for my mistake and promise not
to repeat again. During this period I
had to wear a certain clothes also --brahmanasaree—.
Even for hair do I had rule how to do it. I did discipline as my guru's dictation
and do whatever he told me to do. It made me could send forth many works during
my period of learning. All related to handicrafts.
Approached the
end of my period of learning then I begin to paint, dance and sing. I too get
more freely near the end of the period of learning I permitted to be a dance
instructor and body work. And once I completely free I asked to be a consultant.
Consultant's work not 9 to 5. So I still
have free time to do my any other work.
During this
period I also could not connect or pertinenced link up with people near me or
far away, even the media. All thing related to others are disconnected. I got
isolated in the crowd. I forced to retreat from all activities or anything
related to the crowd. The thing that made me depressed once. Especially I be
made ratherish fat, for no reason. Looked like every morning I woke up, I gain
1 ounce. (Thank goodness now my weight
has recovered, only it turn out to recovered I forced to do work out hard, not
every morning loose 1 ounce ... sigh).
Be isolated and be
fat are test that everybody may experienced when search God. The test must be
about earning coming ins, about life or death, and about self-image. My earning
coming ins test was amazingly clogged, until all my property sold out in this
period of learning, but it's fine. I've been accepted dead four times in this
period too, so that exam I done. But the self-image test, in which case I be
made fat and isolated --- oh Mai ...... I failed repeatedly about be fat,
because I always cried to see my body gain fat every day which make my breath
panting every second. Be isolated often made me feel sad also. Therefore I only
could finally passed this test at the end of my fifth year of learning.
True that the
period of learning are always hard. And guru-disciple relationship are really
hard to understand by ordinary people. Only the one who learned also would
understand it unwrong. But at least I have this note on how to answered such
Well now ...
that's all a glimpse of what I called as a period of learning – of why should I
learned. By writing this I become more structured to answered people's
questions next time I meet whoever again. Funny is not it to compiled a list of
questions and answers like this? But for me it's not funny though... .. because
it really make me dizzy repeatedly been asked like this especially if who asked
completely common lay in a sense not knowing Hinduism at all. That they had
heard Hindu only should be said great. Sod ...... .
But this is the
way of my life. This is me. I wish I accepted by everyone as I am. I hope that my
wish be fulfilled and blessed.
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