Monday, April 16, 2018

Happy Living With A New Spirit

I diligent love to greet people. Enounce for anything. Congratulate for the celebration of course. The celebration of religious holiday, birthday celebration, celebration of new born, congratulate graduation, celebrating offering thanksgiving, and of course the celebration of a new year.

Yes! I usually bring along and feel touched in emotion which usually accede the new year celebration. Strangely not this year. This year I not want to say anything to anyone. I lost my appetite to do it.


Why? Maybe I saturated. Saturated with everything around us. Saturated with all the hypocrisy that exist.

I reminisce my conversation when I still go on duty as a finance and accounting manager with my auditor from Surabaya, East Java. Not like usual, we talked a lot about things outside taxation that became the main task of the time.

We talked about high game of government and political party. About the growing religious extremists on the island of Java. About the influence of wrong education in Indonesia. About the high cost of living. About everything in this crazy era.

I was dizzy afterward. Headache. Where will the world go?

Now the conversation recalled once again in my mind. What I feel still the same; whacked. And every time be a moment like this, made me once again be remembered I was seek answers to questions that have existed since time immemorial;

Who we? Why people just make a mess in this world?
Where we come from? Why not anyone think of it?
Where we going? To a better place I guess….
What we looking for? Looked like nothing. People just round and round for …..nothing.
Why we here on earth? Eennggg……..
Why we do everything we do everyday? A friend say, it called life!
Could we make better choices? Sure, we do. But still many not do it.
Are all the answer just to make damage to the world as illation? Oh no .. no…. not ......Look above all my answer.

We born to back to Him. To reunite with the universe. But to be united we must purify ourselves. To be united we must be clean. Clean mind and whole self. And apart from duality. Black and white. Dark or Light. Good and bad. Day and night. Life and death.
Yes ... ..even life and death must be accepted as a whole. Accept life you must accept death also.

Then what's after this?

Nothing. Walk on living. Take a deep breath, smile, welcome the day. Work with passion. Share that spirit so that we could be in life again. Do your daily routine. Develop ourselves by learning from every life journey experienced.

Life could be so exhausting if we think of it. But if we just go on living, we not really feel the burden. If accepted wholeheartedly amazingly life even give happiness to those who go on in life.

So, with a new spirit live a life happily! Spirit that life is good, and do good to all. (*)

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